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The shopping24 commerce network consists of 10 product search engines, over 1000 advertisers and more than 100 publishers.

The shopping24 commerce network consists of its own product search engines and a large publisher network, including Google-Shopping-Ads. Our shopping portals are,, and With the international expansion in the last few years, the portals in Switzerland, in Austria, in the Netherlands, in Italy, in France, in the UK, in Denmark and in Portugal have also been added. With a target group-specific and individually adapted traffic mix, you benefit directly from an increase in reach and sales.

mrge is the global leading Commerce Advertising platform, connecting more than 5,500 publishers, 50,000 advertisers and 100 networks in over 160 countries. mrge uses intelligent tools, technologies and formats to place brand messages near or within content, creating value for publishers, advertisers and users alike. In addition to shopping24, the group also includes digidip, focusing on premium publishers with influential traffic and Yieldkit, focusing on high reach and performance. mrge is backed by private equity investment group Waterland

We collaborate with more than 1.000 advertisers.

The shopping24 commerce network has been operating in Switzerland with since mid-2016. In the beginning of 2019 we launched in Austria and in November 2019 in the Netherlands. Also added in 2019 were in France and in the UK. In 2020, they were followed in succession by in Denmark, in Portugal, and in Italy. Other countries will follow. The CSS partnership is already possible in other countries.

Commerce Advertising is mrge unique approach that goes way beyond classic affiliate marketing. With Commerce Advertising, users become a critical part of the business model. When they find relevant product/service information at decisive points in their buying process, everyone stands to benefit. Because our technology places ads in the most relevant environments, the publishers content is enhanced, the user makes the best purchase decision and advertisers can maximize their sales.

Affiliate networks

A cooperation via an affiliate network is possible. We have been working with many networks for years and have a "default" sales tracking solution with some, e.g. with AWIN. We can also usually process the networks data feeds without any problems, which makes onboarding very easy.

Currently, onboarding is available through the following affiliate networks: AWIN, Daisycon, Rakuten Affiliate, TradeDoubler, RetailAds, Tradetracker, CJ Affiliate, Partnerize, Adtraction, Adcell


Billing is based on category and device-specific CPCs. We distinguish between the categories in which the respective product falls and the device used by the page visitor (desktop/tablet or mobile).


You can pay by SEPA direct debit or invoice.

Billing is on a monthly basis. Invoices are always sent at the beginning of the following month to the email address(es) we have on file.

Data feed

We have the possibility to import product data feeds in csv or in xml format. Please use one of the following encodings: UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.

It is possible to provide the feed via an FTP server.

We work with almost all data feed service providers on the market, e.g. ChannelPilot, Channable and Datafeedwatch. The feeds are prepared automatically for optimal appearance and thus contain optimized data quality. Some data feed service providers also offer tools for automatic campaign control.

As a general rule, we recommend the largest possible number of products, but at least 100 products. Through a functioning conversion tracking and our proactive account management, we have the possibility to view and evaluate the performance of individual SKUs and to optimize the campaigns accordingly.


What is the definition of KPI?

KPI is the abbreviation for Key Performance Indicator. This includes all key figures that can be used to measure or determine progress or the degree of fulfillment with regard to an objective. The KPIs can be defined differently in number and type depending on the objective for each project.

What is the definition of CPC?

CPC is an abbreviation for Cost-Per-Click. CPC describes a billing model that regulates the payment of advertising measures. As the term cost-per-click already indicates, advertising costs are only incurred when an interested user clicks on a product and is ultimately redirected to the online store.

What is the definition of CPO?

CPO is the abbreviation for Cost-Per-Order. The CPO therefore describes the costs incurred by the seller per order. The CPO is calculated by dividing the total costs incurred for the sale of products by the number of orders generated.

What is the definition of CR?

The CR describes the conversion rate and is used primarily in e-commerce. This key figure shows the ratio of (online) visitors to an offer, e.g. a product in the online store, and the resulting orders. The CR is measured as a percentage (%). Example: 5 out of 100 website visitors place an order. The CR is therefore 5%.

What is the definition of CTR?

CTR is an abbreviation for click-through rate. When placing advertising media (e.g. banners), it provides information about the ratio of clicks on an ad seen by users. The CTR is given as a percentage (%). For example, if an ad is seen by 100 users, 1 of whom clicks on it, the CTR is 1%.

What is the definition of COS?

COS stands for cost of sales, i.e. the ratio of the costs of an advertising campaign and the sales generated. It is comparable to the CPO, but is calculated purely on the basis of sales. For example, €1,000 in advertising costs and €1,000 in generated sales result in a COS of 100%. The COS is then used to evaluate advertising measures or entire online stores.

What is the definition of CRO?

In (online) marketing, CRO stands for conversion rate optimization. This includes all measures that relate to an improvement of the current CR (conversion rate).

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Portrait of Nikola Antoun, your contact person for Shops & Advertisers
CSS & product listing
Shops & advertisers
Portrait of Lisa Nölting, your contact person for publishers
Portrait of Aleasha Dahms, your contact person for applications